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(Member Only Event) How Defining your Organisations Accountability Chart Helps Create Rocket Fuel for Your Business

August 8, 2024 @ 10:00 - 11:00

Paul Trik

As founders and owners, the idea of running an agency was meant to be fun and rewarding, allowing us the freedom to lead a better life.

Often, though, as the business grows or hits challenges, we can find ourselves trapped, working longer hours, becoming frustrated with the company and its performance whilst struggling to maintain the spirit and culture which initially defined and gelled the business together. Over time, more of the stress can fall on the founders’ shoulders. We struggle to let go or find a way out of the situation, hoping that things will improve. Sometimes, feeling trapped and do not know which way to turn. Slowly, frustration can speed across the whole organisation, culminating in staff retention issues whilst growth and profitability stall.

It shouldn’t be this way!

What makes the best handful of companies so successful?

Implementing EOS® (Entrepreneurial Operating System) makes Owners and their Leadership Teams better in three areas: VISIONTRACTION, and HEATHLY.

If you are not familiar with EOS® it is a simple set of tools and disciplines which work to make an organisation 100% strong in the

Six Key Components:

  • DATA

During the webinar, we are going to focus on the People Component, as fundamentally, you cannot execute a great plan and vision without great people! Approximately 80% of all issues in a business relate to people, including ourselves! So, we must define clearly what great people look like so that our organisation can deliver our plan. In doing this, we as leaders need to step back, remove ourselves from the company, look in our own mirror, and clearly define the structure required to deliver the plan. We call this the Accountability Chart, which IS NOT an organisation chart!

In building the right Accountability Chart we define two specific seats in the company for a Visionary and Integrator. You may or may not of heard these terms, but the webinar will help define the traits of each. Once you understand this, you will see the pattern in some of the most successful global companies. Steve Jobs & Tim Cook!!!

As a business owner, you need to understand if you are the Visionary or Integrator, or maybe neither. When we set up a business, we tend to have to do elements of both, but as we grow, being trapped in the wrong role for too long is detrimental to our own well-being and the performance of the company at large. The same principle expands to every function and seat across the whole organisation.

The webinar will help provide a brief outline of:

  • The EOS® Model
  • The People Component, where 80% of company issues lie
  • What an Accountability Chart looks like
  • The characteristics of a Visionary and an Integrator
  • free link to a test to see if you are more of a Visionary or Integrator
  • How to expand the principle of the Accountability Chart across your leadership team and eventually the whole company
  • Ultimately, what Right People and Right Seats look like for your business and how, as owners & leaders, this will play a huge part in transforming your life and the business, its culture and performance.

By understanding and becoming 100% strong in the People Component of EOS®, you and your leadership are part of the way to becoming better at three things: Vision, Traction, and Health.

• Vision, from the standpoint of first getting your leaders 100% on the same page with where your organization is going and how it is going to get there.

• Traction, from the standpoint of helping your leaders to become more disciplined and accountable, executing really well to achieve every part of your Vision.

• Healthy means helping your leaders become a healthy, functional, cohesive leadership team because, unfortunately, leaders often don’t function well.

From there, as the leadership team, we find so goes the rest of the organisation.

Ultimately, you get to a point where everybody in your organisation is 100% on the same page with your Vision, executing that Vision with discipline and real accountability, and working together as a healthy, cohesive bunch of people who enjoy spending time together.

Today, around 25,000 businesses worldwide run EOS® with the help of a professional implementer who has delivered over 175,000 sessions daily. Multiple times, more businesses have self-implemented EOS® after reading the Traction book.

***Please do not forget to reach out at the end of the webinar to get a free copy of the Traction book***


About The Speaker Paul Trik

Although Paul’s background is in economics and insurance, he is driven to work with growth-minded entrepreneurs who could build highly successful companies with strong cultures. During this time, he realised that he was also a frustrated entrepreneur.

Over the past 25 years, he has founded and run multiple businesses and helped the leadership teams of larger organisations.

He’s pretty much made every mistake possible. It’s the mistakes rather than the successes where he’s learned the most.

Even though his most recent business, a Digital Marketing Agency, that grew rapidly for the first four years he became more and more frustrated. Recognising they were hitting a ceiling, in pursuit of finding a simple solution he discovered and read the book TRACTION by Gino Wickman about the EOS® (Entrepreneurial Operating System). It was their ‘aha’ moment. He also discovered that I was a Visionary trapped in the Integrator seat as the business had grown.

He spent the next three and a half years implementing EOS® into the business, initially just into the leadership team and then across the whole company. EOS® transformed the business and his life.

The benefits of running on the EOS® allowed him to confidently step out of the business for four months due to an unexpected cancer diagnosis. This would not have been the case a few short years before.

Today, rather than sell, EOS® allowed them to step into the owner’s box and retire from the company’s day-to-day operation to follow his passion of working with fellow entrepreneurs to help them eliminate their own frustrations and start to live their own EOS® life.

Now as a Professional EOS Implementer®, he specialises in working with owners to help their leadership teams get their shit together and make them better in three areas EOS® calls VISIONTRACTION & HEATHLY.

Implementing EOS® improves turnover, profitability, scalability, fun and, ultimately, enterprise value.

***Free EOS® Traction Book available for anyone who attends the webinar***


This is a members’ event. If you would be interested in joining, please email jacob@theagencycollective.co.uk


August 8, 2024
10:00 - 11:00

