Focusing on the wildly important is crucial when it comes to achieving your business goals. With so many good ideas to execute, it’s easy to get sidetracked and lose sight of what’s truly important. You can create a plan to achieve success by prioritising your most crucial goals.

In this blog, we’ll dive into how to identify your wildly important goals and gain insights from Peter Czapp, the founder of The Wow Company.

Identifying the Wildly Important

You need to work back from your three-year vision to identify your wildly important goal (Or WIG). This allows you to dream big and imagine a world without your current challenges. However, it’s also close enough to compel you to take action. Once you have your three-year vision, you can create a plan for what you want to achieve and by when. Be specific with your goal, and make sure it significantly moves you forward towards your three-year vision.

Creating a Plan

Once you’ve identified your wildly important goal, you can break it down into quarterly objectives. This helps you to stay on track and achieve your goal in manageable steps. It’s essential to involve your team in this planning process. This ensures that everyone is aligned and working towards the same goal. Your wildly important goal should be hard to achieve and not part of your business as usual. It should move the needle and significantly advance you towards your strategic objective.

Singularity of Focus

You should focus on one wildly important goal if you’re a small business. If you’re a larger business, you can have one wildly important goal per team, as long as a different person is responsible for achieving it, and a different team is responsible for achieving it. This singularity of focus ensures that everyone is working towards the same goal and that priorities are not confused.

Why Focusing on the Wildly Important Matters

Focusing on the wildly important matters because it allows you to prioritise your goals and achieve success. By identifying your most crucial objective and breaking it down into manageable steps, you can make progress towards your three-year vision. Involving your team in the planning process ensures that everyone is aligned and working towards the same goal. This singularity of focus ensures that everyone is working towards the same goal and that priorities are not confused.


Focusing on the wildly important is crucial to achieving your business goals. By identifying your most crucial objective and creating a plan to achieve it, you can make progress towards your three-year vision. Involving your team in the planning process ensures that everyone is aligned and working towards the same goal. Remember to break your wildly important goal into quarterly objectives and have a singularity of focus. With these steps, you can achieve success and move your business forward.

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Peter Czapp The Agency Collective

Peter Czapp, Co-Founder, The Agency Collective & The Wow Company

Business benchmarking expert. Co-Founder at The Wow Company, Beautiful Business, The Agency Collective, The Consultancy Growth Network. On the board at Ecologi. Having a lot of fun.