Agency podcasts – are you planning, launching or already running a podcast? Here are some useful tips I learnt today.
James Bishop the founder of the podcasting consultancy OneFinePlay and Ash Jones founder of personal branding consultancy Great Influence ran a workshop with our Scaling members today.
They covered topics such as:
– How to plan your podcast.
– Building a podcast audience.
– Equipment tips in case you want to do it yourself.
– How to market your agency.
– How to create 100s of pieces of content from 1 piece of content from one podcast episode.
Here are some of my notes I took.
Hopefully some good inspiration for your podcast.
– Practice on other people’s podcasts first. You can try to use services like Spot A Guest
– “What’s your 5%? What is your niche topic? I have a friend who knew how to knit really well (too general). My mum knew dogs really well (too general). Put the two together and you get hand-knitted jumpers for dogs.”
– It’s the moment the camera and microphone turns off when the real content appears. Bring that energy and conversation into your podcast episode.
– Making your guest feel comfortable is a reflection of how comfortable you are.
– There was a general agreement that it was OK to make mistakes in the episodes and not to edit them out. Appears more authentic and what people connect to.
– Have a conversation with your guest, don’t turn it into an interview.
– Be upfront and show consideration. Ask your guest before the show whether they are OK to talk about a sensitive topic you know about their life. Otherwise risk losing their openness if you do it during the podcast and they do not want to talk about it.
– Record a series. Design your podcast in series format. We think in series when we binge.
– Target people who currently don’t listen to your podcast, as opposed to those that already do. But thank every single person that interacts with your content.
– Listen to your audience feedback, as that can help you create even more content on the back of it. Content that your listeners really want to hear.
– Release your podcast in the following stages: 1. The show is coming 2. The week of release 3. Post release
– Release 3 episodes upfront. Allow your podcast listeners to binge on the shows.
– Release once a week to allow your listener to build a habit e.g. every Tuesday morning at 8am – once a month is too far apart.
– 95% of podcasts end after 7 episodes – beat the odds!
– Quote of the day: “Editing is like butchering your own child”
We’re launching our podcast “Say No” next week – it will be about the ability for niche specialist agencies to say no to work that doesn’t take their agency in the right direction. Very excited about it. Stay tuned.
Great notes thank you. What about
‘How to create 100s of pieces of content from 1 piece of content from one podcast episode.’
Ah, well James will be able to share that part. However, loosely based on Gary Vee’s model here (just keeping it a bit simpler if you don’t have the social brigade to help with the process):