Imposter syndrome happens to so many of us. Do you find yourself saying phrases like – “I’m not good at this.” I’m not an expert on that.” “They are better at it than me!”  If yes, then it’s time to push these thoughts aside and become the go-to person in your field.

Imposter syndrome can raise its ugly head many times in your career and it will continue to, but there are ways you can beat it. Jane Mack from Jane Mack Coaching gives some practical advice on how.

Where does imposter syndrome come from?

Imposter syndrome generally comes from something has happened in your past and that situation, or words said to you, have become stuck in your subconscious.  It could have been from school, either a teacher, a friend or an activity you had to do.  Maybe it’s from a previous job from a colleague, or something your parents have said to you.

Why does imposter syndrome appear?

When you go through a change, such as setting up a business, introducing a new service, or expanding your business, your subconscious kicks into action, purely from the point of keeping you safe.  That’s where you get all these thoughts in your head about not feeling good enough. Because your subconscious is remembering the time before, in your past and it’s there to keep you safe.

They are thoughts, not facts!!

These thoughts running through your head are just that.  They are not factual evidence about how good you are at your job, or the evidence of the great things you have achieved in the past.

Strategies to overcome imposter syndrome

  1. Go and find the facts

Pull together all the reviews, feedback and testimonials that you have received from past clients. Get them together in a folder and look at them regularly.  If there’s a particular one that makes you smile every time you read it, then pin it up where you can see it daily.  These are the facts about how good you are at what you do.


  1. Flip the negative to a positive

Take the negative thoughts and flip them into positive thoughts.  E.G: Negative thought – ‘I can’t write social media posts, everyone else’s are better than mine’, flips to – ‘I write social media posts that are unique to me.’


  1. Flip the fear

Scared about sharing your new service? Instead of worrying about how you feel, turn it around: It’s not about you, it’s about them.  Them being the people that you can help.  Ask yourself – who can I help? What amazing support can I give? Who needs to hear what I have to say today?  Someone will always need to hear what you have to say.


  1. Build client relationships

This should be non-negotiable because relationships are the foundations of your business.  When you build strong relationships with your clients, it creates retained clients, repeat clients and referrals.  Having these is proof that you are good at what you do and will bring you confidence, therefore pushing imposter syndrome away.


  1. Be YOU and stop comparing yourself to others

People will work with you, because of you.  You are meant to be different from your competitors, you will have your own unique style and way of working and that’s why people will work with you.  Find your own unique selling point and share it. Continually comparing yourself to others will only hold you back.


  1. The passion and purpose ripple effect

Find the passion and purpose for what you are doing and get really excited about it.  When you have a real passion for what you do, it will be stronger than imposter syndrome, causing you to have a real, strong confidence in yourself.  Go back over your past experiences, jobs, what you loved about them, what you loved about the people you worked with and which areas really lit you up.  Why are you in business doing what you do?  What’s the real passion from all your experiences which has brought you here?  Really light that fire in your belly about what you do and see the ripple effect, that will knock out imposter syndrome and leave you feeling excited and confident.

Imposter syndrome will raise its ugly head from time to time, but it’s how you deal with it that will make the difference. Try out these strategies and knock it on the head every time!


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Jane Mack works with female business owners who have been running their own businesses for 2-3 years in the service industry.
She helps them to grow their business to the next level by attracting the right clients, gaining financial freedom and a better balance in their lives.